by ashli w

the sun or the magnolia blossoms or the smell of warm soil again

woke up at four am one morning and decided to make my brother chase the sunrise with me. At this point in winter I think I just start doing anything to feel closer to summer again. It was freezing and quiet and I definitely got sick for the second time in the matter of three weeks because of it - but y'know, it feels kinda worth it.

(pssst, *went back through these photos and re-edited some with the a beautiful mess signature collection actions!)

These photos are kinda a little late since I'm back home now from visiting my family, but better late than never right!? Happy to be back in my lil space with my husband but man am I always missing my parents house, the city I came from, and the many scattered places I know as home. 

Hope you're all having a good 2014 so far